Evelyn's House Five-Year Anniversary
Five years ago, donors in our community came together to build a hospice house that specializes in end-of-life care while making every moment count. Evelyn’s House provides a holistic approach to the emotional, spiritual and physical care of terminally ill patients of all ages, offering therapies for complex symptoms or respite in a home-like setting.
In recognition of the fifth anniversary of Evelyn’s House, we invite you to share your story or make a gift in honor of a loved one or caregiver.
Share Your Story
Since its opening, staff members have painted small rocks with words and symbols representing unique and memorable aspects of each guest and the impact they had on the team and placed the rocks in the Meditation Garden. This process gives staff members a chance to honor the lives of their past patients and prepare to care for those yet to come.
Whether it is to thank a caregiver for the care provided, a message of hope and encouragement for others, or to share a fond memory of a loved one, we invite you to share your story and “place your rock” for someone special to you that was a part of Evelyn’s House.